Rhetorical Analysis of RE: Your Brains

This particular set lyrics about a zombie named Bob who tries to persuade Tom,a co-worker, to let him eat his brains. The purpose of the argument is to change Tom’s mind into conforming with the zombies. Bob, the zombie, is the main person who tries creating the argument. Bob tries to appeal to the audience through rhetorical questioning to make Tom’s thoughts seem sensless as well as turn the argument as a benefit for him to be persuaded. For example, Bob says “I’d like to help you, Tom, in any way I can”(Coulton). This creates a pathos emotion of trust which works in the arguments favor. Bob, makes some logical points within his argument when speaks about how Tom will eventually run out food and guns and there for he will eventually have to conform to being consumed. The Ethos of the zombie argument really lies in the friendship of Bob and Tom from the text it seems like both of the main characters seem like just coworkers but he does say that  “We’re not unreasonable…” (Coulton). Overall the argument was developed pretty well.

Posted on September 13, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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